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Emails, 2007 - 2012

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 2

Scope and Contents

From the Record Group: The Records of the President span the years of 1783-2024 with the bulk from 1940-1980. They are comprised of minutes, government documents, correspondence, reports, speeches, administrative papers, statements, budgets, and newspaper clippings. The collection is organized in the following series: Board of Presidents, Government, Associations & Organizations, President's Council, President's Cabinet, University Forum, SU Foundation, General Business, Committees, Budget, and each president has been given his/her own series.

This record group documents the academic and administrative goals, regulations, and management of the institution. This is a large collection that is arranged alphabetically. Reports, minutes, budgets, and some memos/correspondence are arranged alphabetically but followed in a chronological order. This collection was already orgaized by a previous administration, but additional series were needed to make it more organized and comprehensible. There is a gap in the series (12-14) to leave room for growth. Series 15-31 are for individual presidents. Series 15-21 are located in the same box because they are each very small. Some of them do not have any files, but the space was saved for that particular president. Series 22 (Ezra Lehman) includes an extensive collection of his manuscripts. Series 23 (Albert Lindsay Rowland) contains correspondence pertaining to WWII. Series 24 (Levi Gilbert) includes handwritten historical accounts from previous students that were gathered in order to put together a history of the normal school, which does not appear to have ever been completed. Series 27 (Gilmore B. Seavers) is a large series that contains sub-series. In particular, Sub-Series 2 (Centennial) holds records that document the planning and execution of the 100-year anniversary celebration/events. Series 28 (Anthony F. Ceddia) is an extensive collection of artifacts, administrative documents, correspondence, and speeches. Most notably, Sub-Series 8 (Events), shows how involved Dr. Ceddia was within the campus community and in the surrounding communities.


  • 2007 - 2012

Conditions Governing Access

The majority of this collection is open for research. Access to Series 2, Sub-Series 1, Box 1, Folder 5; Series 9, Box 3, Folder 8; Series 26, Sub-Series 2, Box 1, Folder 18; Series 26, Sub-Series 3, Box 1, Folders 10 and 14; Series 27, Sub-Series 2, Box 1, Folder 4; Series 27, Sub-Series 3, Box 1, Folder 22; Series 27, Sub-Series 3, Box 5, Folder 7; Series 28, Sub-Series 2, Box 5, Folder 1; and Series 28, Sub-Series 8, Box 3, Folder 4 are restricted for privacy concerns. There are more detailed notes at the file level. Please contact the archives for terms of use.


From the Series: .29 Linear Feet (1 archives box)

Language of Materials

From the Record Group: English

Repository Details

Part of the Shippensburg University Archives & Special Collections Repository

Ezra Lehman Memorial Library room 207
Shippensburg University of PA
1871 Old Main Drive
Shippensburg PA 17257
717-477-1123 x3357